Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2020


Market is one of a variety of systems, institutions, procedures, social relations and infrastructures in which businesses sell goods, services and labor for the people in exchange for money. Goods and services sold to use as legal tender fiat money. This activity is part of the economy. It is an arrangement that allows buyers and sellers to exchange items. Competition is very important in the market, and separate from the trading market. Two people may do the trade, but it takes at least three people to have a market, so there is competition on at least one of the two sides. Markets vary in size, range, geographic scale, location, type and variety of the human community, as well as the type of goods and services traded. Some examples include local farmers market held in the town square or parking lots, shopping centers and shopping malls, international currency and commodity markets, the law creating such a market for pollution permits, and illegal markets like the market for illicit drugs.

In mainstream economics, the concept of the market is any structure that allows buyers and sellers to exchange any type of goods, services and information. Exchange of goods or services for money is a transaction. Market participants consist of all buyers and sellers are both affecting its price. This influence is a major study of economics and has spawned several theories and models of basic market forces of supply and demand. There are two roles in the market, buyers and sellers. Markets facilitate trade and allow the distribution and allocation of resources in the community. Markets allow all items to be evaluated and traded prices. An emerging market is more or less spontaneous or deliberately constructed by human interaction to allow the exchange of rights (ownership) services and goods.


The Importance of Protecting the Environment

Plants, individuals, creatures and nature are association. Plants require a decent domain for developing, creatures need plants to eat, and human need everything to survive. Everything went as regular until the human who devastating it. Nobody of living things on the earth who can crushing it with the exception of the human.

Globalization might as of now be well known to you . Globalization can quicken the rate of economy anyplace. Innovation created throughout the years turn into an apparatus that can without much of a stretch human works. Indeed, even to bolster it numerous new advances are conceived for instance a PC. Lamentably, the velocity of current mechanical change not took after by ensuring consciousness of encompassing environment. Monstrous oil penetrating brought on by the human vehicle is expanding alongside expanding human populaces from year to year. At long last, the waste delivered from the vehicles, get to be one of the fundamental variables dirtied air around us. A ton of natural harm that we regularly listen, for instance, a worldwide temperature alteration ,corrosive downpour, nursery impact, ecological contamination et cetera.

The nursery impact created by extreme carbon dioxide gas and causes a dangerous atmospheric devation makes the earth more sultry. The following marvel is corrosive downpour, in spite of the fact that it can avoid an unnatural weather change however corrosive downpour is more perilous. people are the primary driver ! Begin From now we should keep our surroundings for our grandchildren one day later. since regardless of how little function you do, will be felt by our youngsters and grandchildren one day later.

Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Lingkungan Hidup (2)


Reusing is an approach to individuals for the rubbish issues. Consistently Indonesia produces no less than million ton trash. The trash is sent to landfills, where a large portion of them dirty the area and air. As an aftereffect of reusing, rubbish that would have been discarded are reused rather in new items.

What Gets Recycled

There are numerous things that can be reused including natural and inorganic trash. A few specialties can be produced using inorganic refuse, for example, glass, containers, paper, magazines, and plastics. Inorganic rubbish likewise can be useful for individuals. Fertilizing the soil is a decent case in reusing. It includes sparing certain nourishment squanders and blending them with leaves and grass. This procedure will make a supplement rich blend that can be helpful for planting. Indeed, even water additionally can be reused. It must be decontaminated and cleaned at a waste-water treatment plant before it is reused.

Sorts of reusing.

There two sorts of reusing. They are inner and outside. A case of inward reusing is the reusing of waste items from assembling inside of the same processing plant. For instance, when copper tubing is being made, the finishes of tubes are trimmed. These copper closures will be dissolved down and used to make new tubing.

In outside reusing, individuals can gather recyclable materials. Recyclables will be conveyed to reusing offices, where it will be cleaned, sorted, and arranged to be sold. At that point the businesses purchase the material and use it to make new items.

The Importance of Recycling

The legislatures and gathering of individuals that attempt to ensure the earth must urge individuals to reuse. They need to give a recognition that reusing is critical for their life. It can decreases contamination of air, land, and water. In this way, individuals will acknowledge and attempt to reuse the discarded materials the thrown away materials.


Why Findland’s Schools Are So Successfull

For many years the school system in Finland has been very successful. In the PISA survey, which compares reading, math and science knowledge of 15 year olds around the world, Finland is not only the top European country but also competes with Asian giants like Shanghai, Singapore and South Korea. But what makes the educational system in this small country so strikingly different from others in the western world.

First of all, the Finish government makes it possible for all children to attend preschool, which comes after kindergarten. Compulsory education begins at 7. Teachers work with their pupils in school as much as possible. They have little homework to do when they get home.  When teachers are not with the pupils they spend a lot of time in schools working on the curriculum and new projects.  They teach in teams if it is needed to help them reach their goals. That is why dropout rates are low compared to other countries.

In contrast to other nations teaching in Finland is a highly admired profession. Finland selects its teachers very carefully.  Only talented students can continue their education to a university and receive a master’s degree in education. Finland only takes the best to educate its youth.

Schools in Finland are small, at least for international standards. However, more than in any other country teachers are ready to prepare children for life. In some cases they know every pupil in their school and can adjust to them. Teachers try everything to succeed with their pupils. Most of the pupils get additional help in their elementary school years, either by the teachers themselves or through specially trained educators.


Sinopsis Dilan 1990: Manisnya Cinta Anak SMA

PAGI, Bandung 1990. Kabut tipis hadir di sela sinar matahari yang masih malu menampakan diri. Suara motor tua memecah keheningan di awal hari itu.

Milea (Vanesha Prescilla) berjalan kaki menuju sekolah. Sudah hampir dua minggu dia sekolah di SMA yang terletak di Buahbatu, Bandung tersebut. 

Dia anak baru, pindahan dari Jakarta. Ibunya (Happy Salma) adalah orang Sunda, sedangkan ayahnya (M Farhan) seorang tentara dari Sumatera Barat. Milea tak pernah menyangka, pertemuan pertama dia dengan Dilan (Iqbaal Ramadhan) pagi itu akan mengubah hari-harinya.

Sosok Dilan dikenal badung di sekolah. Dia adalah panglima di geng motor terkenal di Bandung. Setiap ada kehebohan di sekolah, Dilan dan kawan-kawannya selalu menjadi biang onar. 
Pernah suatu hari, Dilan dan kawan-kawannya mabal upacara. Akibatnya, guru BP, Suripto (Teuku Rifnu Wikana) menyetrap Dilan dkk. saat upacara masih berlangsung. Kelakuan bandel Dilan yang lain adalah merubuhkan dinding pembatas kelas, karena kelas dia dan Milea bersebelahan.

Mulanya, Milea tidak menganggap Dilan. Dia kerap judes saat harus berhadapan si peramal --sebutan Milea untuk Dilan-- itu. Apalagi, Milea punya pacar di Jakarta, Beni (Brandon Salim). 
Namun, perhatian Dilan yang unik kepada Milea membuat gadis itu diam-diam memikirkan Dilan. Dilan menjadi sosok antimainstream di kehidupan Milea.

Saat cowok lain memberikan kado boneka saat Milea ulang tahun, Dilan malah memberi buku teka-teki silang dan surat pendek. Belum lagi kebiasaan-kebiasaan lucu Dilan saat menelefon Milea. Milea juga salut dengan keberanian Dilan main ke rumahnya dan bertemu ayahnya.

Cerita cinta Milea dan Dilan berjalan seperti kisah cinta anak SMA pada umumnya. Mereka PDKT (pendekatan), jalan bareng, dan sampai pada satu titik Milea diberi kesempatan untuk memilih Dilan atau Beni.

Kisah cinta anak SMA mungkin terlampau biasa saja, tapi setting kisah di Bandung era 1990-an itu yang membuat cerita Dilan dan Milea tak biasa.

Masa PDKT Milea dan Dilan terbilang mengasyikan. Tanpa ada gawai di masa itu, Dilan harus menelefon Milea dari telefon umum koin jika ingin berbincang atau ke rumah Milea langsung kalau mau bertemu. Hal-hal yang mungkin saat ini sudah tidak ada, karena kecanggihan gawai dan aplikasi chatting.

Hubungan manis Milea dan Dilan tak melulu mulus. Ada masanya juga Dilan berbuat ulah dan kembali berurusan dengan guru-gurunya. Di lain kesempatan, Dilan sempat ribut dengan kawannya karena sang kawan tak sengaja berurusan dengan Milea.

Milea bahkan marah saat tahu Dilan akan terlibat pada tawuran geng motor. Dia cemas dan tak ingin Dilan terlibat dalam perkelahian lagi.

Dengan akhir cerita yang sedikit menggantung, kreator film yaitu sutradara Fajar Bustomi dan Pidi Baiq tampaknya ingin membuat penonton penasaran dengan kelanjutan kisah Dilan dan Milea. 
Kendati penonton bisa bernapas lega dengan adegan terakhir Dilan dan Milea, tapi catatan khusus di akhir film yaitu "sampai jumpa pada Dilan 1991" menggelitik rasa ingin tahu penonton apa yang akan terjadi dengan dua insan itu kemudian.

Film Dilan 1990 yang akan tayang 25 Januari 2018 diangkat dari novel laris berjudul serupa yang ditulis Pidi Baiq. Untuk skenario film, Pidi bekerja sama dengan penulis Titien Wattimena.

Titien dikenal sebagai penulis skenario antara lain film Mengejar Matahari (2004), Love (2008), Minggu Pagi Di Victoria Park (2010), dan ? (Tanda Tanya) (2011). Kolaborasi Pidi dan Titien menghasilkan naskah yang berhasil mentransformasikan bahasa novel menjadi visual yang layak dinikmati.

Bandung awal 1990

Dalam durasi sekitar 110 menit, penonton akan menikmati alur dinamis kisah Dilan dan Milea. Setting film yang mewujudkan suasana Bandung di awal 1990 terasa detail. Rumah-rumah tua dan sekolah yang dipakai untuk shooting menjadi elemen yang memperkuat film.

Penampilan Dilan, Milea, dan teman-temannya di sekolah terlihat wajar layaknya anak SMA. Tak ada make up yang menor atau baju seragam yang seksi. Mereka bersepatu Warrior atau kets, mengenakan jaket karena ketika itu Bandung masih sangat dingin kala pagi, dan naik angkutan kota tanpa membawa telefon genggam.

Film Dilan 1990 akan mengingatkan penonton yang melewati masa remaja di era itu kalau tanpa gawai, komunikasi bisa lancar. Interaksi antarmanusia sebagai makhluk sosial di film itu seperti menyadarkan kalau saat ini gawai sudah sangat mengubah pola hubungan manusia.

Chemistry Iqbaal dan Vanesha

Pemilihan Iqbaal dan Vanesha menjadi dua aktor utama tampaknya tak salah. Chemistry mereka terjalin baik. Mereka berhasil meyakinkan penonton kalau mereka adalah Dilan dan Milea yang sedang jatuh cinta.

Seusai pemutaran perdana di Cihampelas Walk Jalan Cihampelas Kota Bandung, Rabu 17 Januari 2018, Iqbaal mengatakan, sebelum shooting dia banyak berdiskusi dengan Pidi Baiq, Fajar Bustomi, dan orangtuanya. Iqbaal bertanya tentang gaya pacaran orangtuanya dulu.

"Buat saya masa pacaran anak 1990-an itu unik. Ngapel harus ke rumah, telefonan, dan ketemu di sekolah. Enggak ada handphone tapi interaksinya malah bagus. Selama shooting saya bahkan menghapus fitur chatting dan menutup akun media sosial. Saya hanya pakai Whatsapp karena kerjaan di situ semua," tutur Iqbaal.

Sementara Pidi mengatakan, dia puas dengan film Dilan 1990. Menurut dia, apa yang akan ditayangkan di bioskop adalah yang terbaik yang bisa dia lakukan bersama rumah produski Max Pictures.

"Kalau filmnya berlanjut, pemainnya tetap mereka. Mereka bagus. Ada yang complain kenapa Iqbaal jadi Dilan, enggak cocok katanya. Padahal awalnya saya penginnya Indro Warkop. Jadi mendingan Iqbaal kan," ujar Pidi.***



Market is one of a variety of systems, institutions, procedures, social relations and infrastructures in which businesses sell goods, servic...